Monday, January 20, 2014

Article Review 02

In the recent years, many dominate company have multiple interesting products. But even so other small company have their own products too, they many not be new innovational but instead they uses old concept and turn it into something new. They may look simple, but they are very unique.

First of all we have Cubelets, a cube-ish robot that can do just about anything (if you know how to assemble and program it) with different block to be used and program.

Have your family member felt scared of any medical instruments? If you are then Teddy the Guardian will fix that for you, but having those scary thing within a cute teddy! This Teddy have different basic features such as heart beat monitoring and other basic vital reads.

Have you or your family or your friend or anyone have a bad care for their teeth and you have to meet them everyday? Then this Kolibree smart toothbrush may be your solution, it can report to you such as if you have brush your teeth long enough or ensuring anyone who use it to remember brushing their teeth.

These are only few of the many interesting product that have been introduced at CES 2014. On the internet there are even more on the internet which is on kick start waiting to be backed by everyone! So be sure to check out other online product as well!

Major Concept
  • The idea of product - Many product on the market are ideas that were made new.
  • Possibility - Even there are big company around us, there will always be new product
  • Uses - Even it is simple as a teddy bear, it can be for medical uses.
  • It is review of multiple product from CES 2014 which is very interesting
  • If only the original article have more products
  • Even small company can make such unique products, why can't big company have such too?
  • When a product is made, how long will each survive?
Steven, Tim. "CES 2014: Startups Steal the Show." Clnet. N.p., 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Jan. 2014.

This article is an homework assignment from our teacher Mr.Pete

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