Thursday, October 31, 2013

Article Review 01

RoboBusiness robotic conference, Google director shows that their self-driving re are more safe then professional drivers, and having less near accident times. The software they develop arr able to make quick decision making braking and accelerating more safe then human drivers. It even able to maintain a consistant distance to other cars. Google director of this care also state that the car have driven over 482700 kilometer without any accidents at all.
Major Concepts:

  • Software driven car are less likely to cause any accident.
  • Human driven car accelerate and brake more sharply than software driven cars do.
  • It is able to self driven and maintain safe distance between car.

Potential Strengths:

  • Quote from Urmson "We're spending less time in near-collision states"

Potential Problems:

  • Did not provide the area the car were tested on.


Discussion Questions:

  • Is the car connected to the server or is it offline on it's own?

Starr, Michelle. "Google: Self-driving Cars Safer than Professional Drivers." CNet. N.p., 28 Oct. 2013. Web. 01 Nov. 2013.
This article is an homework assignment from our teacher Mr.Pete

Thought Question

IB-[]-Computer Science
Teacher: Mr.Pete
Thought Questions
1. Would octal or hexadecimal be a better way to refer to the addresses in a 16 bit processor? Justify your answer.

2. Relate the concept of program to the fetch-execute cycle of the Von Neumann machine.
- In the Von Neumann Machine to process. 'Input' as start the cycle, the central processing unit then decode the instruction fetched. Arithmetic unit then get the necessary data to execute the decode instruction. This shows that fetch-execute is directly related to the Von Neumann machine.

3. Personal computers originally came equipped with one, then two floppy drives. After that floppy drives became optional as CD drives became an standard equipment. Now USB flash drives are the current medium for storage of data. What are the advantages of flash drives over other forms of disk storage? do you think they will replace other media?
- As the technology advances, several old device no longer able to keep up the demand of storage, life span and speed. USB have a long life span because it does not have a moving part in itself. Moving part mechanism is too slow in modern sociality. Therefore one day flash drive will have enough storage, speed and it's durability to withstand the demand replacing other kind of media.

4. Why don't we just use powers of 10 when referring to storage? Aren't powers of 10 and Powers of 2 close enough?
- Computer is all about accuracy and precision any mistake will cause huge problem to it therefore any computing must be the correct number, not only 'close enough'

5. Walk through your kitchen and list the number of items that include embedded systems.
- Since the house that I current live in have only a small kitchen area and I am not a cooking person, I have the only item that have an embedded system is my Electric water heater. When it is boiling it will automaticly decrease the temperature to warm.

6. Did you have computer in your home as you were growing up? If so how did it influence your education to this point? If not, how did the lack of a home computer influence your education to this point?
- I remember when I was a kid, my father did manage to put together a barely working computer for me to play around. I was very happy for such event so I grew up working hard for myself so I can understand computer more.

7. The digital divide puts those who have access to technology on one side and those who do not on the other side. Do you feel that it is the right of everyone to have access to technology?
- Technology do put people into sides, but I personally think that everyone have the right to have access to the open internet world. Then again people must respect those who have and don't.

8. It will cost a great deal of money to erase the digital divide.Who do you think should be responsible for paying the cost?
- It will be a great deal of money to do such big thing, but it is very possible in the near future. Since scientist and manufactures are able to have yearly breakthrough of technology leading to many new innovation, and it is getting cheaper month by month. So I believe in the near future it will cost fairly average to erase the divide. Carefully plan thing accordingly the project will be less costly awhile reaching the most efficiency.

9. Having access to technology is not enough people must be taught to use the technology they have, How would you define computer literacy for each of the following group of people?
Kindergarten teachers in an industrialized country.
- Teach them a little bit more then enough to able register, login and use certain equipment.
High school students in an industrialized country.
- To the point they are able to keep in line with their professor's e-mail and other requirement may necessary.
College graduates in an industrialized country.
- To the point they are able to have a general idea of any kind of GUI so in the future they can easily understand how to operate automatic machines
Students in sub-Saharan Africa
- To the point they are able to access information on the internet.
Government officials in the Audes
- To the point they are able to keep in contact with uppers and their co-workers

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Computer Ethical issue

As a computer science person, we must know the ethical code for it. So let's take a case and study it.

Case: Liability for Unreliability
A software development company rushed a tax preparation package to market, knowing that it contain bugs. The company expected complaints and planned to update and improve the system, but wanted to get a jump on the competition. the company widely distributed the buggy system on a disk that also contained a disclaimer of responsibility for errors resulting from the use of the program. the president of the company said it was general industry policy and anyone who buys version 1.0 off a system knows that.

Violate IEEE Code of Ethics:

, this company have violated at least one of their ethical code: To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data. Which means this company try to avoid customers to do anything about it, stating that they do not hold anything responsibility if there are problems. but clearly they know the problem.

Violate ACD Code of Ethics:

 once again this company have violated multiple of them. The company did not evaluate the impact of this buggy system and because they are dishonest they did not take the responsibility they should take, delay the program and make it better. Therefore they violated at least 2 of the ACD ethical code.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Computer Logic Gates

In the modern days we have electronic devices everywhere around us, and appear in every shape or form some even there without we knowing it is an electronic. Coffee machine, vending machine, pizza vending machine, car sensor, road lights, personal computer, tablet, automatic doors and many many more which appear as a more obvious as a electronic device. Less obvious devices are remote control, modern light switch, there are even wires called "smart wires" activate when needed only, how that even works?

But we have so much electronic around us, it is a must to understand the basics of these devices, how it work and how their logic in the process are. These are the very basic logic of the computing processes. These are called 'Logic Gates'.

AND Gate
Boolean Expression:
⋅ B = Q

Logic Diagram:

Truth Table[1]:

Chip Diagram:

Boolean Expression:
(A ⋅ B)' = Q

Logic Diagram:

Truth Table[1]:

Chip Diagram:

OR Gate
Boolean Expression:
A + B = Q

Logic Diagram:

Truth Table[1]:

Chip Diagram:

NOR Gate
Boolean Expression:
A + B = Q

Logic Diagram:

Truth Table[1]:

Chip Diagram:

XOR Gate
Boolean Expression:
 B = Q

Logic Diagram:

Truth Table[1]:

Chip Diagram:

- Picture taken by me
- AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR Gate symbol draw by myself using google draw.
[1] - IB SL Computer Science textbook chapter 4

- IB Standard Level Computer Science Textbook Chapter 4

Material used:
- 74SL08, AND Gate chip.  
- 74SL00, NAND Gate chip.  
- 74SLXX, OR Gate chip.  
- 74SLXX, NOR Gate chip.  
- 74SLXX, XOR Gate chip.

DISCLAIMER: This article are used for educational purpose only. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Will it blend? Learning.

Study! Boring. Game! Fun! At least for gamers. But If there are no knowledge floating around us. There will be no game or gamers. So teacher nowadays uses modern day technology to teach. Surprisingly games are blending. Blending into the learning sociality. Where every nerds can learn while play game and gamers play while learning! What a wonderful news! At least for gamer.

Sadly it won't be first person shooter by anytime soon as it seems. So the main point is the way we study and how we study. In the past we used book, tree after tree. Nowadays tablet, iPad after iPad.


As we talk, the technology evolves into a greater and faster creating. By using the technology we can have a teacher-in-PC which is what we are trying to achieve nowadays. MinecraftEdu for example is a form of game which is also a form of learning. Researches shows that using game to educate future children have greater effect on learning than traditional learning. Like youtube!


In the future where everyone watches video to prepare for finals. "Hey which that, that , and that and you will be fine for the the test". Will the future be in such way? Only time will tell.

Potential Strengths

  • Showing the statistic of the use of technology
  • Describe the use of each technology and software used
  • How the system goes around

Potential Disadvantages

  • Only narrowed into one university 
Discussion Questions

  • By any chance there will be real exploration to the history location with the technology?
  • Could the future be studying online without coming to school?

Lepi, Katie. "How Teachers Are Using Blended Learning Right Now." Edudemic. N.p., 25 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

World Earth Day

A few days late but still, It's the earth day I need to make up for it. So here, a poster I made.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Smart Fasion

In the future chemistry laboratory. "Oops" said a scientist who spilled corrosive liquid on his partner. His partner responded "It's fine, I'll just wipe it off" without any worries.

In the year 1996. Where the first bullet locator was made. No longer needed to look for the bullet wound for long bloody time. The medical personnel could just look at the smart shirt and locate the bullet wound on the soldier. Not long after then, the technology exploded.

From phone to computer. From hard disk to solid state disk. From large slow memory storage to tiny fast microchip. Needless to say, gold can be pink, sliver can be yellow and carbon and be soft. Because of nowaday technology. Everything is possible.

But the main part is our shirt is it is becoming our cloth.

Remember when we use heater and wear a thick layer of cloths? But now:
We get:
A jacket that can heat you right up!

Maybe you are a bad boy or girl who like to play with corrosive substance and do not want to get burnt.

No worries! Scientist is developing Corrosive resistance cloth!
Acid? Meh!

Welcome to the modern world!

Major Concepts:
  • Where the modern technology are going
  • The first idea of tech-cloth
  • Advantage on using the technology

Potential Strengths:
  • Everything are featured with pictures, 
  • What? How? Status? reports.

Potential Problems:
  • Where is the technology developed?

Discussion Questions:
  • If the future are everything in a cloth, then what about electricity? Where will it get electricity?
  • Will it be publicated any time?

Danny. "Computerized Clothing: Future Fabrics." Vizual Archive. N.p., 18 Apr. 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

Monday, April 8, 2013

iOS: Clean, Simple and Boring

      "Hey I have iPhone 5 iOS 6!" said a friend. "Oh really? But it looks, feels, the same as iOS 4 though. It just better iPhone with old concepts"said another friend.......

      As we all know. iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch all their user interface has been the same as it were years ago. Nothing have changed at all. But the modern world like something cool(as ice!), new(and shiny!), mystery(what the....?). So us, the users made a video to suggest apple to tweak their user interface. So it doesn't look plain and boring.

      Why is it plain and boring? For example if we want to turn on airplane mode, we would need to unlock the screen, go to setting, *tap* *tap* *tap*, in order to turn it on. Boring isn't it? The video shows that at the lock screen, instead of just a button for photo, add a lot of functions to it.

      So what do you think? It it a excellent idea? Brilliant idea? Or wonderful idea? Leave a comment below!

Have a video

More Videos

Moar Video! (Why not?)

Major Concepts.
  • Once upon a time iOS was like that and now it is the same
  • Boring way to do something such as turning on airplane mode
  • Boring lock screen.
  • Boring ideas.

Potential Strengths/Advantages.
  • These concepts in the video are opened to be used - Open minded.

Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages.
  • How was it in the history of iOS? Only said the future but not the past.

Discussion Questions.
  • Why not let those jailbreak modders do the GUI?
  • Why haven't they change the using style?
  • Why iOS was design to not be tweaked?

Yarow, Jay. "Here Are Some Changes Apple Should Make To The IPhone's Software."Business Insider. N.p., 7 Apr. 2013. Web. 08 Apr. 2013.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Expert Predict a Computer's physical limit!?

     "Computer's processing capability will soon comes to a limit" says the Experts. "No way, what do you know about science?" one scientist reply. To be continue....... (Just a make up story)

      As the story represents, expert once predict that the processing capability of a silicon chip will come to an end but the recent scientific research found out a way to completely change the way we once built CPUs. A complete new way to construct CPU chips.

Current CPU

      What is so special about the new way to make this CPU chips? Very well asked question, the answer that I can give is "I don't know" because I am not one of the researchers. But according to material researcher at IBM said that it isn't anything new or anything surprising at all because in the past we have had found out a way to change conductive state to a insulator and back. But what IS surprising is that after we changes the state is can be stable.

      One disadvantage is that the processor unit is extreme beast, draining the battery dry in a short time. Like our laptop while playing game, burning on top of our lap. Another disadvantage of the current CPU is it often have electricity leak causing it to heat up so much. Which mean they are very inefficient using electricity.

      So what is the advantage of the latest research? Imagine that in the future our CPU and memory cell will barely say "Hi" to the battery cell only camera, microphone, photo, and some other side component would use electricity. And the CPU wouldn't heat up that much at all.

"The Expert"

..... And another scientist said "U Mad Bro?".

Major Concepts.

  • The difference of the past technology and currents
  • Experts have said it will come to a limit soon
  • IBM have overcome experts

Potential Strengths/Advantages.

  • Detailly describe the idea what the research gets us to

Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages.

  • What evdience does the expert have to say it will come to a limit soon? It did not describe. 

Discussion Questions.

  • When will this technology publicly used?
  • How much faster if this technology is widely used?
  • What will it cost to make such chip?

Proffitt, Brian. "Why Computing Won't Be Limited By Moore's Law. Ever." ReadWrite. N.p., 30 Mar. 2013. Web. 01 Apr. 2013.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Something Unreal is about to become Real

      Fans who like Mass Effect,Gears of War, and Infinity Blade. Good new for you! These game are ported to firefox! It is able to played while what only need is Javascript to be more specifically it uses the asm.js sublanguage and Emscripten compiler.

"Less Cigarettes Mean better Life Y'Know"

      Engineer at both Epic games and Mozilla were able to port the game engine to WebGL and JavaScript in just 4 days! What this means is most of the modern web browser will be able to play game that runs on Unreal Engine 3. A video demonstrating the engine running on web browser.

"That's over a Million lines of code!"

      While the engine runs roughly half the speed on JavaScript compare to directly run on C++ it is still a big accomplishment. If you want to try it out by yourselves Click here! Warning! It might use up a lot of the CPU power! For now we do not know whether Epic Games will licence out the engine for the web develop kit or not. But one thing we sure know: Unreal Is Coming Real.

"Unreal + Firefox = FakeFox?"

Brunner, Grant. "Unreal Engine 3 Ported to JavaScript and WebGL, Works in Any Modern Browser." ExtremeTech. N.p., 28 Mar. 2013. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Google Glasses

      Google:"I know where you live, where you study, how old you are, what you like, what your phone number is, what your personality and I even know who are your friends."

      Nowadays technology is very advance, so advance that human can no longer follow up. But how it is used depends on us. Google, our big brother for searching. Google first announced Google Glasses. People were asking what it is and what does it do. To put it simple, Google glasses is a computer on a pair of glasses with a camera.

      So what is bad about Google Glasses? It record every thing it came across from what you have spoken, where you have been, what have you done, your location, and even your friends! It doesn't sound bad...... or does it? As we all know that we like privacy, surely you won't want to be recorded as if you were a criminal(Some feel that way). So are your friends! They don't like their voice to be recorded every time they spoke to you.

      This edge cutting technology is on sell at about $1000 to $1500, we won't expect it to be cheaper soon, but since this little device record your every movement, I wonder whether it will receive a positive review or negative?

How It Feels [through Glass]

How It Really Feels [through Google Glass]

Major Concepts
  • The Main Idea of what Google Glasses is.
  • What does it do
  • The Price
Potential Strengths/Advantages.
  • What it records
  • What the critic reviews are.
Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages
  • Not showing the main misconception of it
Discussion Questions
  • I wonder if it is legal to record everything
Haslam, Oliver. "Humor: The Truth About Google Glasses | Redmond Pie." Redmond Pie RSS. N.p., 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. <>.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Doctor! I think I might have a heart attack.

      "Hey guys! It seems that I might have an heart attack, let me go get a check up first to the doctor first." says a friend, "Ok, see you later and say hello to the doctor for me" one of his friend reply.

The implant device

      Often before having a heart attack and passes away. Fragments of a heart-specific smooth muscle protein, fatigued or oxygen-starved muscle tissue that is broken down are dumped into the blood stream. If those symptom and substance can be detected before the actual heart attack or disruption of the heart rhythm, a treatment can be done before hand.

      So any ideas? Well a team of scientist at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne or short name as "EPFL" have. They made the world's smallest blood monitoring device. The device is implanted under the skin, deep enough to be exposed to blood, not too deep to be able charge through skin(wirelessly, for more information click here). It can keep track the level of glucose, lactate and ATP. Providing valuable data for doctors, as well as monitoring.

      Such a wonderful device! But how does it work? Each sensor is coated with a thin layer of enzyme which is used to test blood and that reacts with blood and chemicals in it then send the information to out to our smartphone using Bluetooth. Currently the device have only a few sensors, but you'll never know how many more sensor can be added. But sadly only if the device can last forever it would seems to be flawless. The implant can only last for one month more or less and it can consider expired.

      So if the person implanted the device is saved, that person will become a customer again. An implant under your skin seems to be more and more powerful nowadays.

      Leave a comment below of what do you think of such implant! And have a good day! If it is a night now then, Have a good night!

      Read Full post here: Click Here ;Want to know more about ATP? Click Here

Hewitt, John. "ExtremeTech." ExtremeTech. N.p., 21 Mar. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. <>.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Your Precious Media Files

Your Precious Media Files

      "He runs into the hordes! He ran passes them! He Shoots! He sc----". You suddenly notice water flooding your house which is not often. And your PC is submerged in water. After the flood, you try to start up your desktop. You successful start up but your precious games, mp3, mp4, [Whatever file].exe, class project, p..... oh whatever, that is enough example. The point is they are all gone.

      I feel bad for you. But! We can prevent that problem with the latest disaster proof, backup technology. ioSafe N2! It look like this.

       It features hot-swap capability which mean you can swap it's hard drive without shutting down everything, Asus Z9PE-D8 WS Dual LGA2011 SSI-EEB motherboard, two Intel Xeon E5-2630L, two Dynatron R17 Cooler, G.Skill RipjawsZ F3, two OCZ Technology Vertex 4 128GB hard drive, local cloud storage and of course, fire/water resistance. Fire/Water Resistance case protects data loss from heat up to 1/2 hour per and is waterproof  for 72 hours. ioSafe is also a well-respect brand in the field NAS market.

      Next time, whoever put your house on fire, you can just calmly walks out of your house without worrying your precious file getting burn!

Ganesh T S. "AnandTech | IoSafe N2: A Disaster-Resistant Synology DS213." RSS. N.p., 4 Mar. 2013. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Right Now, What is happening on the internet?

       Let's count down 60 seconds and then continue to read. Right now you are reading this means either you didn't count down 60 seconds or you did but either way, that 60 seconds you just count is more than what you can imagine. Why? Every second there are:
  • 1000 barrels of petroleum are used worldwide
  • 4 babies are born worldwide
  • 9000 animals are slaughtered
  • 2 people died of diseases
  • the amount of  trade made worldwide is about 97 million USD
  • 232 computers have become infected by malware
  • 2.6 million CDs, containing 1,820 TB of data are created
  • 450 copies of Windows 7 sold
  • 12 websites have been hacked after a 416 attempts
  • 950 purchases on eBay, with 180 of them coming via a mobile platform
  • $219,000 of total payments transactions through PayPal with $10,000 being from mobile
  • A total of 11 millions conversations taking place through various instant messaging platforms
  • 2 million internet users watched content not suitable for the general audience
  • $75,000 added to Google revenues
  • 2,100 check ins through the Foursquare service
  • 2,500 ink cartridges sold for various printers
  • 4,000 USB devices sold
  • A staggering 38 tons of e-waste generated
  • 18 Amazon Kindle Fires sold
  • 11 Xbox 360 consoles sold
  • 81 Apple iPads and 925 iPhones sold
  • 103 Blackberry devices sold
  • 1,400 discs are rented on line using redbox
  • 6,600 pictures are uploaded on Flickr
  • 600 videos are uploaded on YouTube videos, creating another 25+ hours of content
  • 695,000 status updates, 79,364 wall posts and 510,040 comments are published on Facebook
  • 70 new domains are registered
  • 168,000,000 emails are sent
  • 320 new accounts and 98,000 tweets are generated on Twitter
  • 20,000 new posts are published on micro-blogging platform Tumblr
  • The browser FireFox is downloaded more than 1,700 times
  • The blogging platform WordPress is downloaded more than 50 times
  • WordPress Plugins are downloaded more than 125 times
  • 100 accounts are created on LinkedIn
  • 40 new questions are asked on Yahoo Answers
  • 100 questions are asked on
  • 1 new definition is added on Urban-dictionary
  • 1,200 new ads are created on Craigslist
  • 370,000 minutes of Skype voice calls
  • 13,000 hours of music streaming on Pandora
  • 1,600 reads are made on Scribd
These are just some examples. There are enormous numbers of things going out there, more than you can imagine. Here, have a video.
Major Concepts
  • One second is more than what people can imagine
  • What is happening on YouTube now
  • Every minutes, what is happening
Potential Strengths/Advantages
  • Pictures and Facts
  • Alot of Facts
  • And more Interesting Pictures
Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages
  • Not enough facts for a bored person
Discussion Questions
  • Are there any other facts?
  • Who calculated all this or research all this?

"What Happens On The Internet Every Second, Minute, Hour And Day? [INFOGRAPHIC]." - AllTwitter. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

Monday, March 11, 2013

PC + Rocket

Rocket Desktop
       Yes, as the title said. AMD take war with Intel to a whole new level with Rocket-launching desktop PC. The custom PC was built by Benjamin J. Heckendorn or as known as Ben Heck, the famous modder that not only modding but also the one bought us Xbox 360 laptop, and portable version of alot old-school game console.
[Benjamin J. Heckendorn]

      The famous modder bring us a war-zone ready PC, the system is running Windows 7 and features an AMD A10-5700 APU on a MSI mini-ITX motherboard. There's only a single 128GB SSD inside as well as a small power supply. The MSI mini-ITX motherboard leave tons of room for the two rocket silos.

[Rocket Launching PC]

      All of the switches have a solid, almost industrial, feel to them. The launch electronics all worked flawlessly with no bugs...thankfully. A 10-second countdown sequence begins, with the silo hatches opening at six seconds (and five seconds, if you launch both rockets at the same time). You probably thinking, you can't launch rocket indoors. That might cause you few burns in your house. And not everyone is walking around with desktop, and surely not a desktop with 2 rocket silos. But what important is that Ben Heck has built a PC that launches frickin’ rockets. But hey, why not?

[Video: AMD Rocket PC Hands on and Test Launch]

Anthony, Sebastian. "AMD Takes War with Intel to a Whole New Level with Rocket-launching Desktop PC." ExtremeTech. N.p., 6 Mar. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.

Read the full post here ------>Click HERE<-------

Monday, March 4, 2013

When the student OWN the learning

When the student OWN the learning
      From a post which I came across in Ed tech Ideas. It is Keith Ferrell said that we should, let the children use tools THEY know and is familiar with. And I know I should share it to other readers.
        Today in class I relinquished all the control of learning, and gave them a challenge "Using any method you choose, you are to show your isopod/beetle". Looking around checking up on kids. And i found that they are using many fascinating using of tools! Some work in pairs, some individual, and when they are in their own group they create their own rubric! How astonishing! EdTechIdea: As a teacher we must not force one to study, but let them choose how they learn. And in teaching it should be an active lively one. Not as a dead lifeless teaching. Take a leap, relinquish the controls, and let them feel the study.

Major Concepts

  • What she have done to study
  • The idea of what happen when the student gain the interest of learning.
  • What happen when the study is not limited in learning

Potential Advantages

  • Mention where the idea is from
  • Mention that students uses tools in studies

Potential Disadvantages

  • Tested only in grade 4 students

Discussion Questions

  • Relinquish the controls, does some students slacks off?
  • Did not mention the status of the class room, organize, messy or quiet.

Nielsen, Lisa. "Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: When Students Own the Learning."Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: When Students Own the Learning. N.p., 4 Dec. 2010. Web. 04 Mar. 2013. <>.Picture

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wrist Band Operate system

Wrist Band Operate system
      There are a lot of wristband USB out there, but there isn't one that can carry a computer on your wrist.
A company made a fully portable operating system name StormFly. A wearable storage that allow users to run an OS on it separately. It contain a base system as Linux.It is Initially created as an alternative to cloud storage, so we can store files and can do not need to care about it anymore!.  The main idea is to have everything with you, game, video, music, pirated games, movies. Without actually carrying it around! And it appears on any computer! Whatever happen to the it, lost, stolen, broken, burnt, cracked open, used as target practice, dog ate it, cat scratched it, raging and stomped it. Won't be a problem anymore! StormFly implements its automatic backup service and the company will send a new wristband with you're everything in it in 24 hours, isn't it amazing?. The creators hope the wristband will be useful in every aspect, from school use to home use, from home use to work or even very hardcore gamer! Other then storing your entire computer, StormFly can also be used as a regular USB and ensures your files' security!
Summary. A paragraph summary, in your own words, of the main arguments made by the author(s).

Major Concepts.
  • Functions - What it does and how it does
  • What will happen - Ever want to know what happen when it broke, this article does describe it.
  • Time - How long it takes to do something important.
Potential Advantages. 
  • Describe what it's main purpose when it is made
Potential Disadvantages.
  • What is the specs? - For gaming like minecraft, but what is the spec? GPU 256mb? intel i-3? Only said that it contain OS and 16GB of storage.
Discussion Questions.

  • I like to play game. Like Dead Space 3, Borderlands 2, Dota 2, 3D-games. Can I play the game if the wristband is able to contain it?
  • What is the spec of it? AMD HD7670M 1GB? Intel i-7?
  •  What is the main different? USB 3.0 with a OS installed? Or 16GB SSD? What is it? What makes it unique and different than other USB sticks with OS? other than "It is a wristband"

  • So.......basically personal OS with requirement of a PC?

"Mashable." Mashable. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Best Argument Against Game Haters

The different of me and the character is very clear, in the reality my body has a lot of physical disabilities. But when I login to the game Star War galaxies everything is different, I can ride a jet, punch monster in their face, hang out with friends at a bar, etc. I play online game because I get to interact with other people no matter who they are. Virtual world bring everybody together, and everyone is on the common ground. In reality people might not feel comfortable getting around me because of my looks. The internet eliminate how you look in real life, people get to know other's mind and personalities first. In a game fair in Austin People that were intrigued by me, but they act just as i was one of them, treated me equal like I wasn't even the way i am - not disabled, not in wheelchair, but as a gamer.

Major concept:

  • The Different - The distance between reality and virtual
  • How people Looks - In reality might people get or disturb by because disgusted disabilities  
  • What is Happening - What happen in game and reality

Potential Advantages:

  • Very Clear - Describe the game world and reality

Potential Disadvantages:

  • It is all game view -  Does not show why and how it happen.

Potential Problem:

  • Only view - The article is base on disabilities


  • If everyone is behind the screen, when will the real comes in?
  • Imagine if everyone is virtual, no "real" relationship what will happen?.


"Upload Images." Best Argument against Video Game Haters. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2013. <>.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Java Exploit

Forget Oracle's Latest Java Patch.
Just Kill The Program In Your Browser For Good

      The latest Java patch(v7p10) which is in millions of the devices, even in the famous Apple. Have a security void which is very danger and stays for more than 300 days, after the Department of Homeland Security take the decision to tell java about the security flaw, Java quickly take the action and made a patch for the security void, but just after patch Department of Homeland Security found another security flaw. Russian security firm Kaspersky reported that exploit are used in 56% fully known attacks. Apple respond to the java flaw by disabling all java on safari by default. Many browser have been made "Hard to Exploit" but because java plug-in make it all change, by opening doors beyond "Sandbox" of the browsers. So as a advice is turn off java plug-in and use it only when you met a trusted site, you will be surprise that how less java is needed.

Major Concepts
  • What has happen - Describe what is happening and to what
  • How long has it been - How long has the problem been without us knowing
  • What must be done - To prevent it from happening what must be done
Potential Strengths/Advantages
  • What the java flaw does - Described in an easy way
  • Who was the first to discover - Who catch the chaos first
Potential Problems/Limitations/Disadvantages
  • Only Apple - Only describe what apple respond to Java flaw
Discussion Questions
  • How come the exploit happen?
  • What is poison IVY? and what it does?
Greenberg, Andy. "Forget Oracle's Latest Java Patch. Just Kill The Program In Your Browser For Good." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 13 Jan. 2013. Web. 22 Jan. 2013.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Article Review 4/1/2013

"Fewer children seen frequenting libraries"

      These year Thai citizen are reading less and less, they would prefer to do activity such as playing online games and play sports or stay in the house. Even there are more than 10,000 citizen in the area but the library have only less than 1000 members, the other 2 library have only about 600-700 members.
      According to Arunee library's manager on weekday have around 10-20 people and on weekend 20-30 people. The (Bangkok Metropolitan Administration)BMA of Thailand encourage people to read more and make it become an habit. So they have many activity in the library as well as rewarding for reading.

Major Concepts:
  • Reading rates per year - Which shows very clear what is the different from other country
  • Show what is read - Knowing what category of book is often read
  • What happens in the library - We may never know that there are activity in the library
Potential Advantages:
  • Number of People - Not much research shows how many people were involve in the research/paper
Potential Disadvantages: 
  • Difficult to Convince - Not many people will notice what is the reason to go to library
Discussion Questions:
  • In this research do they count E-Book as a book as well or just "Books"?
  • Adjusting to the community is one way but how?
  • Do they mean it is a MUST to read in the library?
Khaopa, Wannapa, and Mayuree Sukyingcharoenwong. "Fewer Children Seen Frequenting Libraries." The Nation. N.p., 14 Jan. 2013. Web. 14 Jan. 2013.
