Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Article Review:US Designing Anti Suicide Spray
      According to the record, 116 US soldiers have died in committing suicide in 2012, and the US army currently has the highest rate of suicide in its history.
      It really makes sense that the military would be searching a way to keep their soldiers from committing suicide.
      The spray is developed by a scientist from Indiana University, Dr. Michael Kubek was awarded $3 million for creating the spray.
      The spray would suppress the thought of committing suicide.The spray will deliver an extra dose of “thyrotropin-releasing hormone” (TRH), which causes a “calming, euphoric, antidepressant effect” in other word “Happiness”.TRH has been used in the past to treat some depression and depressive disorders. Quick-acting effect of the chemical and fairly direct delivery system, the drug might be able to literally stop people from committing suicide right on the spot.
      You may be thinking, “Why didn’t doctors use this kind of drug to treat depression disorder for all these years?” The problem lies within the  body delivery system, TRH is not very effective when it is taken in pill form or by blood injection. Currently the only way to make is effective is with an injection directly into the spine. This is why they are developing a new way to reach the delivery system.
      If the chemical works it won’t be long enough for doctors to start describe TRH to suppress the thoughts of suicide to everyone. That’ll be a very big help for the future of the US military.

Main Concepts

  • The effect TRH-It is a hormone that will cause calming effect
  • When Is TRH is most effective-When it is directly inject into the Spinal cord
  • The history of TRH-It was made to cure depression disorder
Advantage of the article

  • The article is short and very informed such as "What is it made for","Who develop it","The spray's effect".
  • The article had answer some question we might ask

Disadvantage of the article

  • The article did not explain why the reason they need to produce these kind of spray.

Video by Source Fed

Epstein, Mike. "Trending Stories." Mashable. Geekosystem, 19 Aug. 2012. Web. 22 Aug. 2012. <>